
Hmm, I wonder what time it is. It’s, let’s see… Oh my, I’m about two months over due to post here! Blast, hopefully no one noticed.

Here! Quick, have a photo!


And another one!


And, uh, this too I guess!


It’s a bunny my sister made.
That’s all the extra pictures I have, sorry. You’re probably all wondering why it’s been so long since I posted, though. (Arguable, actually.) I won’t make any excuses because I have none. I just forgot and I’m lazy. I’m going to get back into things now, though. Or I’m going to try. This post was just to let all of my (10) followers know that I’m still alive and kickin’. It’s nothing much, just some photos I had laying around. The first model is Jitterbug by Tung Ken Lam. It’s really quite a delightful little design. If you make a cuboctahedron out of eight units, then you can twist it and collapse it into an octahedron. Or so I’ve heard. Haven’t actually tried it, I prefer the larger version. Try it sometime and let me know how well it works. I don’t remember who the bunny is by. It might be a traditional model, but yeah. I don’t know. There, done. I’m still alive, I’ll try to post here soon. Enjoy the pictures and ignore the title. I don’t know if it makes sense or not.


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