Hacky Sacks and Cubes

The name says it all. This post is about hacky sacks and cubes, hooray. This is going to be a fast post. I’m tired and don’t feel like thinking, but I haven’t posted anything in a long time, so I’m doing it now.


This is the hacky sack. The hacky sack by Winson Chan to be precise. No, it’s not soft and filled with beans, but that’s what it’s called. And no, it isn’t a lopsided oval/half squished bean shape in real life, it’s actually round. But it’s just not very cooperative for the camera.


Picture of the inside. I made this out of a bunch of pieces of scrap paper which is why there is random text and grids on a few of the modules.


And it’s the cube! With small jellybean animals all over it.


The cube was designed by Lewis Simon and folded from twelve sheets of commercial jellybean-animal origami paper. Anyway, that’s all for this not-as-creative-as-I-wanted-it-to-be-but-was-too-lazy-to-make-it-more-so post, just something quick since, like I said before, I haven’t posted anything in a while. I have more tessellations and modular origami to post later.

Farewell, world.


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